Barking is a late night sketch comedy show broadcast on Channel 4 in 1998, starring Mackenzie Crook, David Walliams, Omid Djalili, Peter Kay, Dave Lamb, Rhys Thomas, Catherine Tate and Marcus Brigstocke. Barking features up and coming comedians, most of whom have gone on to become big stars.
Practically unseen at the time of broadcast, the series is being released on DVD in November 2011 by Acorn Media UK
Episode 1: This first episode features a guided tour of Buckingham Palace, a WI meeting that goes horribly wrong and introduces us to Mr Bagshaw: bully, sadist, social misfit and Maths teacher. There is also a special guest appearance from an Airfix Matthew Kelly blowing up a block of flats.
Episode 2: Britain's most unsuccessful actor tries to get a job as a dolphin, a team of blasphemous vicars have a crisis moving into their new parish and a desperately right-on couple host a dinner party 'ethnic style'
Episode 3: Two old school friends have a very bad night in the pub, a society wedding arranges takes a blushing bride firmly in hand and a pair of jealous lovers set out to prove their devotion to each other is deep, true and surprisingly violent
Episode 4: We meet Liz, the leader of a fascist slimming group, Dr Killthere-there, chief consultant at the Brave Little Soldier Hospital, and Steve and Alfie try to make their mute monkeychild Danson into the Heavyweight Champion of the World.
Episode 5: Roy the Custody Day makes his weekly visit to see his daughter, Mr Bagshaw has an unfortunate gym lesson and a Nigerian therapist fails to cure his own psychosis.
Episode 6: Peter Piper has a breakdown, a Hi-de-Hi star becomes a suspect in a series of serious crimes and a camping trip turns into a night of the living Dansons